Senin, 20 Juni 2011

Menghitung Nilai Faktorial menggunakan Program JAVA

a glimpse of the factorial :

Here we let (n) as the number who would we look for value faktorialnya.
In mathematics the factorial of a bialngan formulated by:

n! = n * (n-1) ... ... * 1


n! = 1 * (n 1) ... ..* n

ALGORITHM calculate the factorial :

1.Tentukan fariabel i, n, factorial
2.faktorial = 1;
3.scanf (n)
4.for (i = 1; i <= n; i) {factorial = factorial * i;} 5.printf (factorial); 6.End.
The following java program :


public class faktorial
public static void main (String[ ] args)
long limit = 20; // menghitung faktorial integer daeri 1 – 20
long faktorial = 1; // pendefinisian variabel faktorial

for (int i = 0; i <= limit; i++)
faktorial = 1;

for (int faktor = 2; faktor <= i; faktor ++)
faktorial *= faktor;
System.out.println (i + "!" + " adalah " + faktorial);

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